

Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $24.00.

5 in stock


Epidote gets its name from the Greek word “epidosis” (ἐπίδοσις) which means “addition”. As with some other green crystals, Epidote can be worked with for money manifestation and as a word that means “addition” I find this treasure to be one of the best when it comes to creating financial abundance. Place Epidote at the center of your manifestation grid, sitting atop a bill of any denomination. You can charge your Epidote by placing it in a bag of money and placing under any waxing or full Taurus Moon.

Each piece measures appx 1 inch and comes gift wrapped with sage for cleansing and consecrating.

Many manifestation blessings to you,


p.s. Join our Circle of Intuition group on Facebook for free prosperity classes.


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